In these _________ (you fill in the blank) days of Shelter in Place, don’t forget about your fur babies!
Just think, if you are bored, like our fur friend in the picture, then you should be able to identify with your pet(s). In other words, life can be very boring without walks, games, scratches, rubs and lots of attention from our loved ones.
So be sure that your pets are getting the exercise and attention they need.
As care provides to the elderly, disabled and essential workers, Happy Tails Pet Pal remains here for you and your pets in these challenging days.
Give us a call to let us know:: (1) how you and your fur babies are doing while we all are being advised to shelter in place (trust me, we would really love to hear from you… your call might help you maintain your sanity and ours as well and (2) how we can help you.
With best wishes and thoughts of you and yours…. Bailey Elizabeth Gregory, a Sharin Cairn, and top dog at Happy Tails Pet Pal (p.s. lets keep that last part… you know the top dog part between us as I don’t want to hurt Mom’s feelings).
Barks and Kisses to you one and all until my next blog post.